Injury Prevention course & 10-week Pre-season Fitness for Tree Planters
The only injury prevention course for Tree Planters!
This is the new and improved course combines biomechanics of tree planting AND the 10-week fitness program to help you prepare for the upcoming season. This new course is to help planters learn the specific biomechanics techniques of tree planters, and apply to their pre-season training. This in turn will help planters transition into the block with excellent form, flexibility and strength, and the knowledge to prevent injuries. This course is designed to help reduce injury, increase efficiency, and prepare physically and specifically for tree planting.
This course is designed specifically for tree planters by a tree planter / Athletic Therapist. I've blended my expertise on: injury assessment, injury treatment, injury prevention, fitness, lifting and moving, and my 9 years of planting, 10 years of being an Athletic Therapist and being a life-long competitive athlete. My main goal is to help you reduce chances of injury and get physically prepared for the upcoming tree planting season. This is an investment in injury prevention for your body, to be prepared for the season, and hit the ground running once you get on the block - don't waste time getting into shape at work, your bank account will thank you.
Tree Planters!! Rookies looking to jump into the season up to Veterans looking to get that edge and take their planting to the next level. High baller status can be achieved through determination, hard work and learning the proper movements for planting trees. Create resiliency through your movements to prevent injury from happening during the season.
These courses are for people that are:
Willing to put the time in now to build and learn proper movement patterns, strength and mobility specific to tree planting
Willing to put in the time now to learn the ‘why’ behind these specific movements and how they prevent injury during the season
Create resiliency physically and mentally before the season, to have a longer, pain free planting season!
Someone needing accountability: You will get tools and resources to help you succeed and I will always be available for questions!
In this portion of the course, we take the art of planting a tree and break it down into fundamental movement blocks. These blocks will focus on learning the proper biomechanics at each joint to create a fundamental movement pattern. Then we will build these blocks back up together to create a tree planting movement pattern that ultimately: reduces injury and increases efficiency.
Yes, you can get wrist/thumb tendonitis because you don't bend at the hips properly! We will break this down, along with other common compensations that may lead to some classic tree planting injuries.
From the preventative perspective, we will start from the literal core to create stability and then work out way into the bigger movements like bending over, creating a hole and putting a tree in the ground. This course focuses on learning key cues, positions and movements for your own body to optimize movement and prevent injury. We will constantly return to these fundamental movements during the course, so get ready to become aware, learn or change your default movement pattern.
Another great outcome of learning and mastering these fundamental movements for tree planting is that it will help you be more efficient while out on the block. If your body is moving in harmony and you aren’t pushing through compensation, battling with soreness or injury, or overthinking movement - your potential to earn more money by planting trees significantly increases. Flow state is real and if your body can learn the basic movements right from the get-go, you will default into these basic fundamental and efficient movements without having to think too much.
Instructional Videos: A full breakdown of each fundamental movement for planting a tree. Making it easy so you can practice anywhere!
Mobility & Stability Exercise & Recovery Guide: (downloadable) to achieve these fundamental movements and positions. Provided with video/pic & description. These movements double as recovery exercises after a long day or shift.
This section of the course begins by setting up a baseline of general fitness, movement and strength. Then we gradually get into more sport specific exercises to help planters prepare for the season but also help prevent injuries.
This periodization program is designed specifically for tree planters. Periodization programs are made to start off with mastering big motor movements, gaining strength and endurance and establishing a routine. Then, niches down towards sport specific movements and workouts so that you achieve 'peak performance' at the right time, aka: flowing into the planting season seamlessly. Check out the phases below, I've gone over them in a bit more detail.
These workouts are created to be modified whether you are at home or at the gym. You are encouraged to be creative with your exercises and equipment, and I'll always be around to answer questions and help you modify!
What to Expect
Basic Nutrition
FREE PREVIEWBush Camp: Setting yourself up for Success
FREE PREVIEWOn the Block: Setting yourself up for Success
FREE PREVIEWIt’s not that you are planting, it’s HOW you are planting
FREE PREVIEWRecognizing tendo & 7 ways to begin the healing process Recognizing an acute injury like Tendonitis
FREE PREVIEWTendo Info: lets learn about this common tree planting injury
FREE PREVIEWEquipment Fitting
FREE PREVIEWHow to get the most out of this part of the course
FREE PREVIEWMobility / Stability Skeleton
FREE PREVIEWAnatomical Considerations
FREE PREVIEWMovement Guide - Download & General Instructions
Neutral Spine & Load Sharing Cues
Movement Guide – Neutral Spine / Load Sharing Positions
Diaphragms & Core
Movement Guide w/ videos - Breathing for Neutral Spine Awareness
Transversus Abdominis & Multifidus Activation
Movement Guide w/ videos - Breathing for Core Awareness & Stability
Video - Intro to Squat vs. Hip Hinge
Squat vs. Hip Hinge
The Hip Hinge
Movement Guide – Hip Hinge & Progressions
Intro to Wrist Anatomy
Video - Intro to Wrist Anatomy
Shovel Arm
Video - Intro to T-Spine
T-spine / Tree Arm
Movement Guide – Arms & T-spine
Putting it all together
Other Considerations to give you the edge
Moving on to 10-week Pre-season
What is Periodization?
FREE PREVIEWDetailed phases of periodization in this program
Template for Daily Workout Log
Template for Cardio Log
Templates for your Calendar
The Borg Scale
Pre recorded mobility classes for recovery
Ball Foot Rolling
Foam Rolling - back and legs
Ball Release Body - calves, glutes, shoulder, forearm, headaches
Joint Flossing - lower body
Joint Flossing - upper body
Q&A + swing, sway, shift
Wrist strengthening and stretching
Muscle talk - lats, functional line, serratus anterior, deep neck flexors
Exercises Descriptions
Why do Fitness Testing?
Borg Scale - printable
Fitness Testing Descriptions - printable
Fitness Testing Recording Sheet - printable
Anatomical Adaptation Recap & Goals
Cardio for phase 1: Anatomical Adaptation
Workouts: Week 1
Strength & Hypertrophy Recap & Goals
Cardio for phase 2: Strength & Hypertrophy
Testing Descriptions
Fitness Testing Recording Sheet
Power & Plyometrics Recap & Goals
Cardio for phase 3: Power & Plyometrics
Plyometrics & Peaking Recap & Goals
Cardio for phase 4: Plyometrics & Peaking
Thank you :)
References & Mentors
It’s recommended that you count back at least 10-weeks from your anticipated start date. This will ensure that you will have enough time to complete the Pre-season Fitness portion of the course. I would actually recommend that you give yourself more time. This is to complete the biomechanics portion of the course (really understand and be able to acheive the mechanics behind the movements), plan and schedule workouts and cardio into your routine, complete your pre-season fitness testing, be able to stay an extra week in a phase if desired, or, if life happens and you need more time - you have it!
The program will start whenever you purchase it! The content will become available to you immediately.
Once purchased, you have lifetime access. Therefore, you can make the program as long or short as you need. You can also return to it in upcoming years. If you have previously purchased the "Tree Planting Bundle" or "Biomechanics: Reduce Injury & Increase efficiency", please contact me to get access back to this course :)
Equipment I’ll recommend that you get and are relatively affordable. - 2-3 therapy bands of different strengths - lacrosse ball - broom or hockey stick. - If you have some dumbbells of at least 10-25lbs, would be beneficial as the program progresses, but is not necessary. The program is built to be able to complete at home with the resources one may have access to. The exercises will be mainly body weight with the ability to modify and/or increase weight when and where needed. But the program can easily be modified if you have workout equipment or go to a gym. Examples of ways to be creative with adding weight to at-home workouts: 5-18L water jugs, cinder blocks, books or soup cans in a bag, etc.
Depending on the phase, about 1 hour a day would be required for about 3-5 days a week. Please use the calendar provided in the course to get an idea of what each phase requires (workout, cardio, mobility). You can se the suggested days, or change it around to better suit your schedule.
No refunds for this program as all information will be available once purchased.
Yes. This program is made for the average tree planter and it’s your responsibility to adapt and change the program for and to your specific needs. This program is designed to keep you on track in your fitness goals to be ready for the upcoming tree planting season. You can push yourself when you need it, but the program also lets you take a step back or pause if you need that as well. It’s very adaptable and changeable to whatever suits your needs, schedule and availability. It’s highly encourage you to seek in person personal training through either a therapist or personal trainer to help guide you through the movement properly, and decrease risk of injury. The movement instruction and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation. It’s recommended that you consult a doctor or therapist before you begin the program to screen for any underlying medical conditions and be cleared to participate in this program. They include but are not limited to: risk of injury, aggravation of a pre-existing condition, or adverse effects of over-exertion such as muscle strain, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heartbeat, and very rare instances of heart attack, etc. Kerri Dunsmore CAT(C) and/or Momentum Therapy & Movement does not take any responsibility for injury, misinterpretation of information, losses, injuries or damages resulting from participating in this program. As with any exercise or movement program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a physician. Participate and use this content at your own risk. I will be available for basic questions, general advice, and contributing to discussion/community. I will not be providing any individual medical or therapeutic advice over the internet. If you are having aches and pains, or want help or feedback with your movements, please consult with a doctor, local therapist or local professional that is qualified. Please feel free to talk with me and I can help recommend the right type of practitioner for you.
Yes. By purchasing this program, you enter into an agreement to not to share, copy or distribute the contents of the “Injury Prevention course & 10-week Pre-season Fitness for Tree Planters” with others that have not registered, purchased or have gained access into the program by their own means. This includes, but is not limited to: Biomechanics ideas, theories and examples, the Movement guide, the exercises recommended, pictures, graphs, tables, the fitness testing descriptions and recordings sheets, all workouts (all phases, active rest, testing sheets, exercise combinations and descriptions, etc.) and templates, all cardio templates, overview calendar, all videos and descriptions, links, passwords, advice written in program, anything within this online course, and anything on the private Facebook group or forum. By purchasing this program, you agree to and will abide by the above conditions and limitations. If you fail to abide by this agreement, legal action may be pursued against you. By purchasing this program, you are to use its contents for you only.
Kerri Dunsmore